- iPhone Settings Shortcut – Öffnet man die Website mit dem iPhone, dann stehen einem ein paar Shortcuts für die häufigsten iPhone Einstellungen zu Verfügung. Sehr nützlich. Hab ich als Shortcut auf dem iPhone gespeichert.
- Internet 2011 in numbers – Um nur einige Zahlen zu nennen: 555 million – Number of websites (December 2011), 95.5 million – Number of .com domain names at the end of 2011, 476.2 million – Internet users in Europe, 225 million – Number of Twitter accounts, 39 million – The number of Tumblr blogs by the end of 2011, 1 trillion – The number of video playbacks on YouTube.
- Hopper – Hopper lets you paste and upload text, links, images, and files in moments and is accessible from anywhere. It’s as easy as pressing Ctrl + V.
- Blogging Checklist in WordPress – Just a way to create a checklist for blogging and make it visible to all your authors on the Edit Post page.
- ChiliStats – Chilistats is a simple, fast and convenient PHP and mySQL statistic counter. Simple installation, easy to use and the main information at one view.