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Social Media Vs. Reality

Instagram vs. Reality

SocialMedia vs. Realität. Glaubt nicht immer alles was die Leute bei Instagram und Co. posten. Es entspricht manchmal nicht der Realität: Ditch the Label just published a new study that found that 42% of over 10,000 young people surveyed had experienced cyber-bullying on Instagram. Not only that, but a previous study published earlier this year found that Instagram was the...

Master of Camera - Gian Luigi Carminati

Master of Camera

Schönes Video „Master of Camera“ über Gian Luigi Carminati (76) der Kameras repariert: Gian Luigi Carminati is a passionate and poetic 76 years old man who spent his entire life repairing cameras. In his small workshop in Milan, he takes care of old cameras with just a set of screwdrivers and a lot of patience. We...

Alive in Alaska

Alive in Alaska

So ein paar Tage in Alaska kann ich mir auch gut vorstellen… A glimpse into the nomadic life of the photographer Alex Strohl during an adventure in Alaska.


Barcelona GO! – BARCELONA in Flow-Motion – A fast moving short film….

Wird Zeit den nächsten Urlaub zu planen. Vielleicht mal Barcelona! Jedenfalls nachdem Video muss das wohl mal sein: In few other cities is it possible to walk from spectacular location to spectacular location. I had a fantastic time adventuring around Barcelona’s winding streets making this film. Special thanks to Ferran Macià Edo and his colleagues...