Schlagwort: Europe

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Nightvision is a celebration of the brilliance and diversity of architecture found across Europe. Over the course of three months I journeyed with a friend through 36 cities in 21 countries with the ambition of capturing some of the greatest European structures in a new and unique way. Comprised of thousands of carefully taken photographs,...


Video: 881 iPhones unterwegs in Europa

Schöne visuelle Darstellung wie sich 881 iPhones im April 2011 in Europa bewegten. Die gesammelten GPS-Daten wurden dann in einem Video animiert und man kann schön die Bewegungen erkennen. Das Video gibt es in 3 verschiedenen Farben, weil man sich nicht entscheiden konnte welche Version man nimmt. Ich finde alle 3 super: Im Blog schreibt...


Royal Pingdom ?? State of the Internet in Europe

European countries with the highest Internet penetration Unlike the previous chart, which was bound to be ruled by the more populous countries, the Internet penetration is independent of population size. In fact, it may even be easier for relative...


Royal Pingdom » State of the Internet in Europe

European countries with the highest Internet penetration Unlike the previous chart, which was bound to be ruled by the more populous countries, the Internet penetration is independent of population size. In fact, it may even be easier for relatively small countries to do well here since the infrastructure demands are smaller in scale. In terms...


Royal Pingdom » State of the Internet in Europe

Top Internet populations in Europe We’ve already told you that Germany has the most Internet users in Europe, but what about the rest? Here are the top 20 countries in Europe in terms of Internet users. It might be worth pointing out that both Russia and Turkey are only partially in Europe (for example, Russia...